Student Projects

Project 1

Harry Potter and the Moon by Alison Shapiro (Tumblr)

Short story set in the year 2049 by Ally Bartell (PDF)

The Moon at Night by Andrea Schmidt (Painting)

Lunar Eats! A Moon-inspired food guide by Dannis Cazarez (Canva)

Basic 2D orbit simulation of the Moon by Danny Comer (GitHub)

Philosophy and Economics of NASA and Moon Exploration by Jonathan Machado (PDF)

Apollo 13 (Movie Review) by Joseph Baker (PDF)

Evolution of maps of the Earth and the Moon by Josh Broadfield (Image)

Replica tablet of a hymn to Suen/Nanna (Mesopotamian god of the Moon) by Mateo Abascal (Image)

Moonlight Sonata (Bass Cover) by Matt Corbett (SoundCloud)

Baking Mooncake by Serena Tang (Image)

Project 2

Moon Munchies: Can we grow food on the Moon? by Alison Shapiro (Prezi)

The Women on the Moon by Andrea Schmidt (Website)

Minecraft Moon Mod by Danny Comer (GitHub)

We Never Went to the Moon (Book Review) by Jonathan Machado (PDF)

First Man (Movie Review) by Joseph Baker (PDF)

Apollo Program Headline Archive by Josh Broadfield (Flickr)

Calculating the Moon’s Gravity by Mateo Abascal (GitHub)

La Luna Si Veste D'Argento (Cover) by Matt Corbett (SoundCloud)

De la Terre à la Lune (Disneyland Paris) by Olive Santucci Condoleo (PDF)

Apollo Program-Inspired Outfits by Rachel Miller (Image, Descriptions)

Clay Model of the Moon by Serena Tang (Image)

The Moon and Chinese Culture by Steven Xu (PDF)

Project 3

Health Effects of Space Travel by Ally Bartell (Image)

Health and Space Travel: A Timeline by Andrea Schmidt (Prezi)

Mooniverse by Dannis Cazarez (Slides, Spreadsheet)

A White Wasteland by Danny Comer (PDF)

Music & the Moon by Jonah Gundrum (PDF)

Moon (Movie Review) by Joseph Baker (PDF)

Python Code to Model a Spacecraft Orbiting the Moon by Mateo Abascal (GitHub)

Human Health in Space by Serena Tang (PDF)

Final Project

Polymers in Space by Alison Shapiro (PDF)

The Role of the Moon in Art by Andrea Schmidt (Slides, Painting 1, Painting 2, Painting 3)

Moon Nav by Cassidy Bull (Slides)

Animated Works Featuring the Moon by Dannis Cazarez (Slides)

2D spacecraft orbit simulation of the Moon by Danny Comer (GitHub)

Artemis (Book Review) by Joseph Baker (PDF)

Light side/dark side by Matt Corbett (SoundCloud)

Disney Parks: The Moon at Tomorrowland by Olive Santucci Condoleo (PDF)

Saturn V model rocket by Serena Tang and Mateo Abascal (Image)

The Moon and Chinese Culture by Steven Xu (PDF)